DNA Comparison
DNA Comparison Helps Determine If the DNA Belongs to You or Someone Else
If you suspect your partner is cheating on you but need proof, what can you do? Of course, there are a myriad of possible answers to that question. However, the best answer to that question is to get scientific proof.
Bringing in underwear or other products that you feel have semen or female DNA is the right place to start. DNA comparison will help get you the answers that you’re looking for. Call us today for a free consultation about DNA comparison or visit our website at www.infidelitydnatesting.com and fill out the online form.
DNA comparison for infidelity testing reasons is a 2-step process. First, you bring in the item you want tested and have it analyzed to see if there is DNA on it and whether it’s viable or not. The second step in the process is to compare the DNA that is found to the DNA sample that you will provide the lab. If you are female and female DNA is found, you will provide a DNA sample of yourself for us to compare to see whether or not the DNA sample in question belongs to you or someone else.
If you are a male and DNA is found, you will provide a DNA sample of yourself for us to compare to see whether or not the DNA sample in question belongs to you or someone else. That’s how simple it is. Once you have your answer, you will be able to ascertain whether your spouse or partner has been cheating on you with 100% certainty.
Finding out the truth about infidelity can be a painful experience. However, if you want to force your partner to be open, honest, and transparent, this is one way to start that process. DNA comparisons also can be very helpful in making a decision as to whether or not to spend thousands of dollars on a private investigator.
Call today to speak to one of our specialists or fill out the contact us form at www.infidelitydnatesting.com to obtain a free consultation today.